Completely Integrated Treatments

Florasense Health

Florasense Health

Your Health Centre

The centre's purpose is your health and well-being. Therefore, we provide professional physiotherapy services to all our guests who need rehabilitation, pain relief therapy or simply wish to relax


Specialized physiotherapists

Naš center za fizioterapijo vodijo izkušeni strokovnjaki, specializirani za nevrofizioterapijo. Ukvarjajo se z rehabilitacijo nevrološko mišičnih obolenj in poškodb nevrološkega sistema, ki uravnava vse telesne funkcije. Nanje se lahko obrnete tudi pri bolečinah po športnih poškodbah in prebolelih boleznih, z željo po ohranjanju gibalne sposobnosti in vitalnosti ali zgolj kot sprostitev zatrdlin, ki so posledica slabe drže in stresa.

Physiotherapy Services

How can we help you?

We have classified our physiotherapy services into three categories to make it easier for you to find the desired therapy. Choose from health counselling, physiotherapy, and assistance with swimming.

Health Counseling


Swim assistance